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The ORA is determined to ensure local Government fosters an environment of respect, dignity and efficient service delivery. ORA serves as a watchdog, ensuring that municipalities adhere to regulations and fulfill their obligations. ORA holds an oversight role ensuring municipal finances are managed in accordance with the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and that municipal services are delivered in an economic, effective, efficient, transparent and accountable manner.



The Vision of the Overport Ratepayers Association (ORA) is to establish itself as an independent organisation representing the interests of ratepayers in Overport and its neighbouring areas as demarcated by a map, within the Ethekwini City Council. We aim to collaboratively, autonomously, and directly advocate for the interests of ratepayers with all levels of government. Our primary objective is to ensure responsible and service-oriented local government that prioritises the delivery of services to the community.

What is ORA and Who We Are…

“Community guardians, partnering for effective, efficient, transparent and accountable local government”


The objectives of the Association are:

1 To watch over the interests of members regarding the activities of local government in respect of fixed property owned or occupied by them within the area of operation of the Association, and in so doing to favourably influence for the benefit of its members the legislative, administrative and general activities of the municipal and provincial councils in whose area of jurisdiction such properties of members are situated.

2 To protect, maintain and improve the amenities of Overport, its surrounds and its environment, for the benefit of all residents of and visitors to the area.

3 To raise funds by subscription or any other lawful means in order to give effect to the objectives of the Association.

4 To collaborate with other ratepayers’ associations or similar organisations in furthering any of the objects set out above.



1 To promote the interest and involvement in matters of the local council of ratepayers and bona fide lessees of property.

2 To protect and preserve the autonomy and independence of each ORA member while advancing the collective goals of ratepayers.

3 To act as a conduit for member’s views to the relevant local council and or government department.

4 To help ensure that municipal services are provided in terms of Section 195 of the country’s Constitution.

5 To help ensure that municipal services are provided in terms of Section 38(c) of the Municipal Systems Act in an economic, effective, efficient and transparent way, and

5.1 in an accountable manner in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, and

5.2 that the provisions of the Property Rates Act are applied equally and fairly in the Council.

6 To promote the interests of ORA in close co-operation with the Council and any other authority associated with local government in South Africa.

7 To refrain from supporting or participating in the affairs of any political party in order to ensure that ORA and its members remain apolitical and independent, and that ORA’s actions are always consistent with and seen as being consistent with its vision and mission.

8 To refrain from participating in elections or permitting any of its members to use the association as a platform for promoting their political ambitions.

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